I've had this thought rummaging around in my head for a few years now, so I've finally decided to do a blog post about it to see if I can make it go away. I have my doubts writing about it will relieve my stress, but here I go anyway.
Think about the evolution of communication over the past few hundred years. It used to take months of perilous travel across the ocean to send a letter to distant continents. Even upon dry land, communication was slow and dangerous. The Pony Express opened in the United States in 1860. It was a connecting chain of stations where men carried messages across the country via horseback. It took only 10 days to carry a message 1,900 miles, but it was far from safe for the couriers. Frequent attacks from outlaws and indians plagued the horse stations and riders.
Communication used to take a long time, often at great sacrifices.
Now think of today. Nearly everyone is carrying a cell phone. It is possible to communicate almost anywhere in the world in a manner of minutes through email. No more telegrams, no more Morse Code, no more men sacrificing their lives so that you can say hi to your grandma.
You would think that so much technology at our fingertips should make communication easier, but such is not the case. In fact, I believe communication is
FAR worse now than it was even 20 years ago. As with everything else in life, people have become so accustomed to their conveniences that they have forgotten their manners.
Let me pose a fictional scenario...
"Hi, sis. I just heard mom is in the hospital. Please call me back and tell what happened." Sister doesn't call back... so what does that mean? Mom's dead? Mom's alive?
Of course the sister should call back and give an update. Even a text would do. I think most of us understand this. I bring it up as an exaggerated example to make a point. Some information we just can't find ourselves. We need a phone call.
No answer is NOT an answer!!!
Why is it that you can send a person 1,000 texts about something like Harry Potter or Twilight and they'll write back immediately, but when you send a text asking for a favor or for information, it takes days to respond (if you get a response at all)? I don't want to hear the "Oh, sorry! I didn't get your message," excuse anymore. I've heard it so many times that I could throw up.
Also, a hex upon caller ID and all its bi-products. It used to be about avoiding marketers, but not anymore. That excuse is WAY outdated. I feel confident saying that 99 out of 100 screened calls are not marketers. Are we really that selfish? Do we realize how egotistical we appear when we refuse to communicate with people?
I could go on and on and on about this, but I believe my point is made. The sad thing is, I see no way of fixing it. However, to those who feel the same way as I do, rest assured that all communication to me is answered at my earliest opportunity. I refuse to give in.